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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Decisions, Decisions..... by Bobby Buoncristiano


We all choose to label ourselves as angry, happy, excited, depressed, etc.

Once you are able to see everything in life as energy that you choose to label, and nothing more than that, you are then in control of your life. Do not allow the external factors that we must all face each and every day of our lives dictate how you think, feel, and behave if you want to succeed. If you allow external factors to direct you, this means that you are not the one in control. You are rendering yourself powerless against even the smallest of obstacles, and following this path will never allow you to reach your true potential in life. Take control of yourself and your life, and you will be astonished by how the pieces will just start falling into place like you never dreamed possible.

Take a few minutes each day to practice the lost art of introspection. By taking an honest look inside of ourselves every day, we will form a stronger relationship with ourselves, and begin to know this about yourself that you never even knew before, which is strange and interesting to think about. Become your own best friend.

Knowing who you are, and what you want in life is the most crucial step in Transformation, and it should be the first step taken when we decide to travel another path. Sadly, this step is often neglected, and because of this many people fail soon after they begin traveling a new path. They resort back to what is familiar and comfortable, but I promise you that running and hiding behind old habits will never move forward, and will never know what true happiness and fulfillment in life.

You can avoid failure by knowing who you are, and what you want. Once you define who you want to be, and what you want to achieve, you will find the drive and motivation that had been missing in your past attempts to Transform. I suggest you write out a definition of your goals, and it should be specific and clear. Writing out your definition of goals turns it from thoughts, which we cannot see or feel, and makes it a physical and very real object that you cannot alter with excuses and justifications. Writing a definition of goals will make you accountable for your actions and results. By creating a sense accountability for yourself, you will begin to unlock your true potential. Simply put, accountability forces us to be honest with ourselves, and once the justifications or lying to yourself stops, your life begins.

The answer is inside of you. Look.

*P.S.- read the song lyrics below if you want, they make sense to me.

"You're always saying that there's something wrong
I'm starting to believe it's your plan all along
Death came around, forced to hear its song
And know tomorrow can't be depended on
Seen the home inside your head
All locked doors and unmade beds
Open sores unattended
Let me say just once that
I have faced it, a life wasted
I'm never going back again
I escaped it, a life wasted
I'm never going back again
HAVEN'T tasted, a life wasted
I'm never going back again
The world awaits just up the stairs
Leave the pain for someone else
Nothing back there for you to find
Or was it you you left behind?
You're always saying you're too weak to be strong
You're harder on yourself than just about anyone
Why swim the channel just to get this far?
Halfway there, why would you turn around?
Darkness comes in waves...tell me,
Why invite it to stay?
You're one with negativity
Yes, comfort is an energy
But why let the sad song play?
I have faced it, a life wasted
I'm never going back again
Oh I escaped it, a life wasted
I'm never going back again
HAVEN'T tasted, a life wasted
I'm never going back again
oh i erased it, a life wasted
I'm never going back again"

-Pearl Jam, Life Wasted

-Bobby Buoncristiano, CPT
Philly Fit-4-Life Head Trainer

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